Friday, July 20, 2018

July 20 - Moon Landing Anniversary


Today in science: 1st footsteps on moon

Today is the 49th anniversary of humanity's historic first steps on the moon. The story in pictures, here.

Tonight … Bright "star" near the moon is Jupiter

As soon as darkness falls on July 20, use to moon to find the dazzling king planet Jupiter nearby. 

Apollo and the moon-landing hoax

Why do people persist in denying that human beings landed on the moon?

Is the moon toxic to humans?

When the Apollo astronauts returned from the moon, the dust that clung to their spacesuits made their throats sore and their eyes water. Lunar dust is made of sharp, abrasive particles, but how toxic is it for humans? This article is reprinted via the European Space Agency.

New products available at the EarthSky Store!

Tonight … Bright "star" near the moon is Jupiter

After spotting Jupiter near the moon Friday evening, keep watching! The moon can help you identify the bright red star Antares in the coming days.

Mars from the International Space Station

An astronaut's view of Mars, now at its best, near last month's moon. In this image, Mars has been highlighted and enlarged 20 times. 

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