| | Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer isn't an astrological sign, but it is one of the constellations of the zodiac. In other words, many people are born when the sun appears in front of this constellation. In 2019, the sun will cross into Ophiuchus on November 30. Image via IanRidpath.com. : | | |
What is the zodiac? | | Maybe you associate the word zodiac with astrology, but it has an honored place in astronomy, too. It's defined by the annual path of the sun across our sky. Read more. | | |
When does the Age of Aquarius begin? | | Astronomers and astrologers may agree that the Age of Aquarius starts when the vernal equinox point moves out of constellation Pisces and into Aquarius. But when will that be? There's no definitive answer. Read more. Leonardo da Vinci's famous Vitruvian Man, a drawing created circa 1487, with chakras added. Image via Wikimedia Commons. | | |