| |  Composite image of the Abell 2597 galaxy cluster showing the fountain-like flow of gas powered by a supermassive black hole in the central galaxy. Image via ALMA/Very Large Telescope/Chandra X-ray Observatory. | | |
Best comet of 2018 is approaching | | Comet 46P/Wirtanen isn't bright in any absolute sense. It currently requires a telescope to be seen. But it's getting brighter and might reach visibility to the eye alone before the end of 2018. Read more.  Try to spot comet 46P/Wirtanen with binoculars this weekend. It's low in the south as seen from the Northern Hemisphere and closer to overhead from the Southern Hemisphere. This illustration shows the view as seen Saturday night, November 10, from the central U.S. at 10 p.m. The comet won't be visible to the eye, but binoculars or a telescope should pick it up. Illustration by Eddie Irizarry using Stellarium. Read more. | | |