Monday, July 3, 2017

EarthSky News - July 3 - July Planets, Earth Farthest from Sun

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July guide to the bright planets   

Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn all appear at nightfall. Venus shines exclusively in the morning sky. Mars is lost in the sun's glare.

Earth farthest from sun today

Astronomers call this point in our orbit aphelion.

What is the July birthstone?

Are you a July baby?  If so, your birthstone is the ruby.

Solar eclipse safe viewing tips

Planning to watch the August 21 total solar eclipse? First, see this video on how to watch safely.

Purchase eclipse glasses while they last

Our supplier has told us this is the last batch we can get. Order your eclipse glasses now!

Buy 5 eclipse glasses get a free 2017 lunar calendar!

While supplies last...A unique and beautiful poster-sized calendar FREE when you purchase 5 eclipse glasses.

Earth farthest from sun today

It's an independence day of sorts for Earth, whereby Earth is farthest from the sun for all of 2017. Cartoon by Sara Zimmerman at Unearthed Comics. Thanks, Sara!

Southern Cross over Indonesia

Camping under the Southern Cross in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, Indonesia. Image by our friend Martin Marthadinata.
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