Sunday, January 27, 2019

Jan 27 - The Milky Way's Heart

Hi everyone. EarthSky News will be off Monday. See you Tuesday!

A simulation of our Milky Way's central black hole. Want to see the best of the real images so far? Click here.

How soon will we see the black hole at the Milky Way's heart?

An international consortium has been striving to obtain an image of the “shadow” of the event horizon of our Milky Way's central supermassive black hole. Here's an update. Read more.

More globular clusters found at Milky Way's heart   

We think of globular clusters as being scattered far from the galaxy's central regions, in the great spherical halo of our Milky Way. But astronomers are finding them much closer to the galactic center. Read more.

The moon at mid-arch from full to new

Astronomer Guy Ottewell shares insights and charts related to the current moon phase.

View larger. | Monday morning's moon is just past last quarter, rising around midnight, looking like half a pie. This week, as the moon continues to wane, it'll pass the planets in the early morning sky. Read more from EarthSky. Chart by Guy Ottewell.

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Tonight … Look for Orion the Hunter

It's easy to spot, identifiable by Orion's Belt, 3 medium-bright stars in a short, straight row at the mid-section of the Hunter. Read more.

Moonrise over Nubble Lighthouse

Just past full, a brilliant moon rises behind the 1874 Nubble Lighthouse in York, Maine. Photographer Manish Mamtani captured 2 views. See them both.

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