Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Feb 13 - Another Crater Under Greenland Ice?

The possible impact crater, with edge points marked with vertical bars running through the ice sheet and peak points marked with small orange pyramids, in an image from NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio.
Another huge impact crater under Greenland ice?
A glaciologist has discovered a possible 2nd impact crater buried under more than a mile of ice in northwest Greenland. Read more and watch a video.
See China's Chang'e 4 on moon's far side
China's Chang'e 4 lander has produced fantastic, 1st-time surface views of the far side of the moon. Now a NASA orbiter has caught images of the landing site. See images.
Time to watch for spring fireballs
The rate of fireballs - or bright meteors - has been observed to go up in the Northern Hemisphere by as much as 30% from February through April. Will it this year? Read more.

We're almost sold out of 2019 lunar phase calendars!

Don't miss out on the last opportunity to get your hands on one. Your support means the world to us and allows us to keep going. Click here to shop

Tonight … Moon near star Aldebaran
Aldebaran is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus the Bull. It's a reddish star and represents the Bull's fiery eye. You'll also spot the tiny, misty, dipper-shaped Pleiades star cluster - aka the Seven Sisters - nearby.
Mars and Uranus
View larger at EarthSky Community Photos. | Eliot Herman captured the conjunction of Mars and Uranus on Monday night over Tucson, Arizona. Note the color contrast between red Mars and blue Uranus. Thank you Eliot! 
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