Thursday, February 22, 2018

Feb 22 - Supernova's 1st Light

Amateur astronomer captures a supernova's 1st light
Supernovae - exploding stars - are unpredictable. But an amateur astronomer in Argentina happened to catch one just as it began to explode. "It's like winning the cosmic lottery," one astronomer said.

1st quarter moon is February 23

But tonight's moon might look closer to 1st quarter to you.
Tonight and tomorrow … Moon in Taurus
Let the moon show you the constellation Taurus the Bull on the great dome of sky. How to recognize the Bull’s 2 most prominent features, here.
Taurus? Here’s your constellation
Learn the names and whereabouts of some of the bright stars and star clusters in this constellation. Plus … mythology of the Bull.

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Tonight and tomorrow … Moon in Taurus
Taurus is a big constellation, and the moon takes several days to travel through it. Note the V-shaped pattern, representing the Bull's Face. And note the tiny, dipper-shaped Pleiades star cluster.
ISS over New York
Stan Honda captured the International Space Station from Central Park in New York City.
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