Monday, April 29, 2019

Apr 29 - Moon and Venus Before Sunup


Before sunup this week … Moon and Venus

From most places worldwide, you can see these 2 brilliant worlds at dawn if you have clear skies and an unobstructed horizon. Read more.

All you need to know: Eta Aquariid meteors

Get ready for another meteor shower, hopefully a better one than the recent moon-drenched Lyrids. The new moon will provide dark skies for this year's Eta Aquariid meteor shower. Watch on the several mornings around May 5. Read more.

What’s on the far side of the moon?

With all due respect to Pink Floyd, the moon's far side is dark only in the sense that it's mysterious. Here's why.
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Before sunup this week … Northern Hemisphere

For far-northern latitudes, like Alaska, viewing the moon and Venus will be difficult because the pair will rise about the same time as the sun. Elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere, the moon and Venus will be a fragile and beautiful sight in the dawn. Read more.

Before sunup this week … Southern Hemisphere

The Southern Hemisphere has the advantage for catching the moon, Venus and Mercury in the coming mornings. From there, they appear more directly above the sunrise. Read more.
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