Monday, May 14, 2018

May 14 - Life in the Multiverse


Is there life in the multiverse?    

New research shows that life might be common throughout the multiverse ... if there is a multiverse.
'Lost' asteroid to pass closely tomorrow

It's one of the closest approaches ever observed of an asteroid of this size. Click in for information about tonight's viewing online.

Thousands of black holes near Milky Way center?

Astrophysicists found 12 possible black holes near the supermassive black hole at our Milky Way's heart. They could be the 1st known members of a black hole swarm.

Tonight … Meet Corvus the Crow

Corvus is a small constellation, recognizable for its compact, boxy shape. It's a fun one! Learn how to find it.

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Meet Corvus the Crow

Let the star Spica introduce you.

New views of Jupiter

At a meeting of experts in London last week, citizen scientists Gerald Eichstädt and Seán Doran wowed the audience with this new composite, plus a new dazzling animation, of the giant planet Jupiter.
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