Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dec 19 - New Kind of Sun Explosion

The sun on May 3, 2012. The inset shows a close-up of the new kind of magnetic explosion, recently studied with the aid of NASA's SDO spacecraft. Image via SDO/ Abhishek Srivastava/ IIT(BHU).
Scientists identify a new kind of explosion on the sun
NASA said this week that its Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) observed a kind of magnetic explosion on the sun that scientists had never seen before. The spacecraft spied the explosion when a prominence - a large loop of material launched by an eruption on the sun's surface - started falling back to the surface. Before it reached the surface, the prominence ran into a snarl of magnetic field lines, sparking the explosion. Watch a beautiful video.
December solstice is coming
December solstice 2019 arrives on December 22 at 04:19 UTC. That’s December 21 for much of North America. High summer for the Southern Hemisphere. For the Northern Hemisphere, the return of more sunlight! Read more. What does the solstice mean to you? Submit your personal solstice images to EarthSky Community Photos
Longest days accompany December solstice
As measured from one solar noon to the next, December has the longest days – the longest day/night cycle – for the whole Earth. Wait, what? Read more.
Thank you all for shopping at The EarthSky Store!

Yesterday was the last day to order products for guaranteed Christmas delivery. Click here to shop now and receive items shortly after the holidays. Your support means the world to us and helps us keep going! 
Look for Mirfak, Perseus’ brightest star
Mirfak isn't as famous as Algol, its brother star in the constellation Perseus. But Mirfak is easier to find and can help guide you to Algol. Read more.
Cactus lights
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Leslie Fay took this photo at the Ethel M candy factory in Henderson, Nevada,, on December 12. She wrote: “Moon with contrails over the beautifully decorated cactus gardens.” See more seasonal images from our community, and share your image here. Thanks to all! 
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