Friday, July 28, 2017

EarthSky News - July 28 - Today's Launch, Tonight's Moon and Jupiter

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Watch launch of new ISS crew today

Live launch coverage from Kazakhstan begins at 14:45 UTC (10:45 a.m. EDT). You can also watch the spacecraft dock with the ISS, starting at 21:15 UTC (5:15 p.m. EDT).  Translate to your timezone.

Tonight … Moon, Jupiter and Spica

Jupiter is the brightest object in the evening sky besides the moon. Spica is a bright star in the constellation Virgo. An awesome sight!

How many distant comets?

Mysterious long-period comets might be more common - and bigger - than astronomers thought. Studies like this one will help reveal what kind of hazard they might pose.

Scientists observe gravitational anomaly in lab crystal 

An exotic effect in particle physics, theorized to occur in immense gravitational fields — near a black hole, or in conditions just after the Big Bang — has been seen in laboratory crystal.

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Moon, Jupiter and Spica

Moon and Jupiter closest tonight. Don't miss them!

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Venus and the Pleiades   

Venus - the brightest planet - is in the east before dawn now. Chirag Upreti caught Venus on July 22 over Acadia National Park in Maine. The dipper-shaped cluster above it is the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters.

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