September 27 Powerful Jet from the Wrong Kind of Star
Artist's concept of the jet launched by the strong magnetic field in the neutron star SWIFT J0243.6+6124. Image via the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research.
Astronomers had theorized that strong magnetic fields prevent jets from forming. Then they found a strongly magnetic neutron star with a jet. Read more.
Fomalhaut is a bright star - visible from all but far-northern latitudes - located in a region of the sky that contains only very faint stars. So it appears solitary in the night sky. Read more.
Sea levels have been rising since the end of the last Ice Age. But, as climate warms, the rate of the rise is accelerating. A new ESA video explains how we know. Watch.
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Paul Schulz caught a daytime moon Wednesday morning, above and then behind Mt. Graham, Safford, Arizona. Watch for the moon in the west each morning this week, floating against a blue sky. Thanks, Paul! Read more.