Monday, January 14, 2019

Jan 14 - Another Repeating Radio Burst


Artist's concept of a Fast Radio Burst, from a galaxy far, far away. Image via Danielle Futselaar.

A 2nd repeating radio burst from the depths of space
Of the more than 60 Fast Radio Bursts found so far, only one has ever been seen to repeat from the same source ... until now. Read more.

Citizen scientists discover rare exoplanet

Last week, citizen scientists with Zooniverse's Exoplanet Exoplorers announced the discovery of a rare exoplanet, labeled K2-288Bb. Read more.

The shrinking Aral Sea

It was once the world's 4th-largest lake, but - since the 1960s - has been slowly disappearing. See the changes in this 2-minute video.

Oceans warming even faster than thought

"Earlier claims of a slowdown or 'hiatus' in global warming over the past 15 years were unfounded." Read more.

Earth's oceans are heating up 40 percent faster than a United Nations panel estimated 5 years ago. How do we know? Since the mid-2000s, a fleet of nearly 4,000 floating robots have been drifting throughout Earth's oceans, every few days diving to a depth of about 1.25 miles (2,000 meters) and measuring the ocean’s temperature, pH, salinity and other bits of information as they rise back up. This ocean-monitoring battalion is called Argo.

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How to locate the planet Uranus

It'll be hard to see Uranus in the moon's glare, but tonight's moon can help you get oriented. There are links to detailed charts in this post. Meanwhile, notice Mars! It's in front of Pisces now, too, not far from tonight's moon. By mid-February, Mars and Uranus will be in the same binocular field.

Birds and birds

Chilika Lake - on the east coast of India - is the second largest coastal lagoon in the world. It's a large wintering ground for migratory birds. Our friend Swami Krishnananda visited there and captured many wonderful bird images.
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