Sunday, November 19, 2017

EarthSky News - Nov 19 - Young Moon & Mercury Challenge

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Tonight … Young moon and Mercury after sunset
How easy or hard (or possible) it will be to spot them depends on your location on the globe.
Video: Our living planet from space
“That’s the Earth, breathing every single day, changing with the seasons, responding to the sun, to the changing winds, ocean currents and temperatures."
Help astrobiologist find extreme rocks
A scientist launches a hunt for earthly extraterrestrials. Help her find them!
Venezuela is losing its last glacier
Venezuela’s last glacier is about to disappear, making it the first country in modern history to lose all of its glaciers.
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We sold out of these calendars quickly last year. Get yours now! P.S. They make great holiday gifts.

Tonight … Young moon and Mercury after sunset
This is the view for North America. For information about the moon and Mercury over the next few evenings - from around the world - click here.
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Leonid over Georgia
Steve Royer captured this meteor on Saturday morning in Saint Marys, Georgia. Steve wrote: “After 450 timelapse shots this morning, starting about 1 a.m., this was the only catch. Taken in my backyard facing east-northeast.”
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