Tuesday, July 18, 2017

EarthSky News - July 18 - Have You Seen It?

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Have you seen the Mayak satellite?

On July 14, an amateur group in Russia launched a small satellite called Mayak. They said it would become the "brightest shooting star" in the sky. Why'd they do it? Here's how to look for it.

Next few mornings … Venus, moon, Aldebaran

Here's a blazingly bright sky object you definitely can see! Look east before dawn for Venus. Aldebaran is the bright star nearby.

Moon shadow versus sun reflection

This 5-second video shows a sunglint - a bright spot - crossing Earth from right to left. It also shows a dark spot - the moon's shadow - moving the opposite way.

Soar over Pluto and Charon

To celebrate the 2-year anniversary of New Horizon's flyover of the Pluto system, NASA released these 2 cool videos. 

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Next few mornings … Venus, moon, Aldebaran

If you go outside too close to the sunrise, you might not see Aldebaran or the Pleiades; your sky might already be too bright. But you'll easily spot the moon and Venus.

Rainbow and road

Composite image by Mike Taylor, who is based in Maine. He calls it Innuendo.
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