Friday, July 19, 2019

July 19 - 1st Footsteps on the Moon


The world watched on television as - 50 years ago this weekend - Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon’s surface. It was the first time humans walked on another world. As he stepped onto the lunar surface, Armstrong said, “That is one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” More images.

July 20, 1969: 1st footsteps on the moon

The story in pictures, here.

Video: Moon hoax not

Don't believe the moon landings were real? Go ahead. Watch this. There are already 50+ comments on this post, from just this week. Join the conversation.

Planting a flag on the moon

With virtually no atmosphere on the moon - and, therefore, no wind - flags that fly freely on Earth would hang like limp cloth in the lunar environment. So Apollo 11 engineers had to rethink flagpole design entirely. Read more.

5 moon-landing innovations that changed life on Earth

The technologies behind weather forecasting, GPS and even smartphones can trace their origins to the race to the moon. Read more.

What we're reading

From the Washington Post … 50 years after Apollo, conspiracy theorists are still howling at the ‘moon hoax’

The moon hoax is a classic conspiracy theory - elaborate, oddly durable, requiring the existence of malevolent actors with a secret agenda. The moon-fakers are allegedly so competent they can fool the whole world (but not so competent that they can actually put humans on the moon). Read more.

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Tonight … Vega and its constellation Lyra

The Summer Triangle consists of 3 bright stars in 3 different constellations. The brightest is Vega in the constellation Lyra. Read more.

Apollo landing sites on the moon

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | John Nelson captured this moon image in Graham, Washington, a few years ago and recently realized all 6 Apollo landing sites could be shown upon it. He wrote: "I created this presentation to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, marking the beginning of humanity's physical presence on the moon." Thank you, John!

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