Tuesday, June 27, 2017

EarthSky News - June 27 - The Enduring Mystique of Barnard's Star 

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The enduring mystique of Barnard's Star

Sometimes called Barnard's Runaway Star, it's one of the best known stars in the history of astronomy and in popular culture.

Latest sunsets follow summer solstice

Latest sunsets around now for 40 degrees north latitude. Latest sunrises around now for 40 degrees south latitude.

Where's the moon? Waxing crescent

First quarter moon will be July 1 at 00:51 UTC. Full moon will be July 9 at 04:07 UTC. Translate to your time zone.

US Southwest wildfires continue to burn

Across the US Southwest - amid a record-breaking heatwave - fires that started in early June are still burning.

EarthSky Lunar Calendars are on sale 50% OFF

A unique and beautiful poster-sized calendar. Keep up with all phases of the moon every night of the year. Only about 100 left in stock, get them while you can!

Where's the moon? Waxing crescent

Chirag Upreti caught this image of the waxing crescent moon on June 25. He wrote: “The moon illuminated at ~6% descends behind the Eastern Sierra mountains in California, as the radio antennae at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory actively scan the skies to reward human curiosity.”

Where's the moon? Waxing crescent

Much of the world will see the star Regulus near the waxing crescent moon, after sunset Tuesday. From northwest South America, the moon will occult Regulus - pass in front of this star - at nightfall Tuesday evening. Read more.

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