Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June 12 - Earth and Jupiter Closest Today


View at EarthSky Community Photos. | In 2019, Jupiter is nearly in front of the broadest and brightest part of the starry band of the Milky Way, in the direction of the galaxy's center. JV Noriega in Batangas, Philippines, captured this image of Jupiter (the bright one!) on June 8. Thank you, JV!

Earth and Jupiter closest today
Earth flew between Jupiter and the sun on Monday. But the giant planet will be closest to us today. Why? Read more.
How to see Jupiter's moons
With Jupiter now at its closest to Earth, turn binoculars or a telescope on the giant planet for a glimpse of its 4 largest moons. Here's how.

Meet Alphecca, jewel in the Northern Crown

Alphecca. Gemma. Alpha Coronae Borealis or simply Alpha Cor Bor.  They're all names for the same star, the brightest star in the constellation Northern Crown. Read more.
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Tonight … Moon and Spica
The moon will have waxed larger, and it'll be brighter, tonight. But Spica is a bright star and should show up in the moonlit glare. If you don't see it, try holding up a finger in front of the moon. Read more.
Earth and Jupiter closest today
Jupiter as seen by amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley on May 19. The planet is now closest to us for 2019. Read more.
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