No, it’s not pseudoscience. Does a regular alignment of planets make a strong-enough tug to regulate the sun’s 11- and 22-year cycles? Read more in this story via EOS - a source for news and perspectives about Earth and space science - from the American Geophysical Union.
NASA's Opportunity rover spent some 15 years exploring Mars. It surpassed all expectations for its endurance and longevity, to become one of the most successful planetary missions. Then it went silent. Read more.
The Coathanger star cluster resembles its namesake and is easy to spot through binoculars. Use the star Albireo - part of the Summer Triangle - to find it. Read more.
Draw a line through the Big Dipper pointer stars to find Polaris, Earth's pole star. If your sky is dark, also look for a former pole star, Thuban, in the Tail of Draco the Dragon. Read more and find more charts.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Martin Marthadinata captured this image from Tosari Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in East Java, a province of Indonesia. He wrote: "Early July dusk planets Mercury (upper) and Mars (lower) sit low behind twin volcanoes Arjuno-Welirang in the west at sunset." Thank you, Martin!