Friday, July 12, 2019

July 12 - Watch for Moon and Jupiter


Jupiter is the 4th-brightest light in the sky, after the sun, moon and planet Venus. Venus is a morning object now, nearly lost in the sun’s glare. You'll easily spot Jupiter this weekend, near the moon.

Next few evenings … Moon to sweep by Jupiter 

Jupiter is just a month past its yearly opposition. It's up in the east each evening now, very bright and noticeable. And when you see the moon and Jupiter this weekend, remember that - although they appear close on our sky’s dome - Jupiter is more than 1,700 times the moon’s distance from Earth right now. Read more.

How to see Jupiter's moons

With Jupiter now at its best, turn binoculars or a telescope on the giant planet for a glimpse of its 4 largest moons. Read more.

Antares is the Heart of the Scorpion

See that bright red star near Jupiter on the sky's dome? It's Antares, the Scorpion's Heart. Read more.

Scorpius? Here’s your constellation

The Scorpion in the sky and in mythology. Here's everything you need to know.

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Next few evenings … Moon to sweep by Jupiter 

Jupiter is big! Its Great Red Spot - which, by the way, has been behaving strangely in recent months - is about the size of Earth. You'd need 11 Earths lined up side by side to equal the diameter of Jupiter. Image via Wikimedia Commons. Read more about this weekend's moon and Jupiter.

Next few evenings … Moon to sweep by Jupiter 

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | If you can learn to identify Jupiter this weekend, you'll enjoy it even more in dark country sky, after the moon has moved away. Jupiter is the brightest starlike object in the night sky now, as seen in this image captured by Kristopher Schoenleber on July 5 near Winthrop, Washington. Jupiter is now located in our sky next to the starry band of the Milky Way. Thank you, Kristopher! Read more about this weekend's moon and Jupiter.

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