Thursday, February 7, 2019

Feb 7 - Our Milky Way is Warped


This galaxy – labeled ESO 510-G13 – is an edge-on, warped spiral galaxy, too. It's now thought to be similar to our Milky Way. Image via NASA/Space Telescope Science Institute.
Our Milky Way is warped
A team of astronomers has produced a 3D map of our galaxy, the 1st accurate one, they say. It reveals our galaxy's true shape as warped and twisted. Read more.
How old is Earth’s inner core?
A new study suggests Earth's inner core is only about 565 million years old - relatively young compared to the age of our 4.5-billion-year-old planet. Read more.
Do animals dream?
Your dog or cat might look as if it's dreaming when its whiskers twitch and legs wiggle. But are animals really dreaming? Read more.

Sweet dreams? Image via NewDaily.

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Watch for a young moon after sunset
The moon is higher in the west and easier to spot Thursday evening. Have a photo? Submit it to EarthSky Community Photos.
Look for Sirius, the brightest star
When you see Sirius low in the sky, you’re seeing it shine through an extra thickness of Earth’s atmosphere. At such times, its colorful flashing might surprise you. Amanda Cross in the U.K. caught these images of Sirius. She said "No color enhancements were made to this image. This is how the camera picked up the colors." More about Sirius, plus how to spot it here.
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