Tuesday, July 25, 2017

EarthSky News - July 24 - See the Moon, Mercury, Regulus

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Tonight … Moon, Mercury, Regulus rendezvous

You'll need a clear sky and an unobstructed western horizon to catch the planet Mercury with the star Regulus, so near the sunset glare. But the moon - and bright planet Jupiter - will help!

How to watch Shark Week

This is a week of dueling shark-athons on television. A biologist advises viewers to take what they see with a large grain of sea salt.

ISS photobombs a lightning storm

The photographer also made a video from her still images. See it here, and learn to spot the station.

Haze on Saturn's horizon

Spectacular recent image from the Cassini spacecraft, now in its Grand Finale year around Saturn.

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Tuesday after sunset...Moon, Mercury, Regulus

An imaginary line from bright Jupiter through the young moon points to the planet Mercury and star Regulus.

ISS photobombs a lightning storm

See it scooting along the top of this image, taken last week by Susan Gies Jensen? Susan also made a video from her still images. See it here, and learn to spot the station.

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