Thursday, August 2, 2018

Aug 2 - Where to Look for Life on Titan

Where to look for life on Titan
Saturn's moon Titan has lakes and seas, filled with liquid ethane and methane. But they might not be the best places to look for life, according to new research.
How to see a full circle rainbow
It's possible to see the whole circle of a rainbow, but sky conditions have to be just right. Plus you have to be up high!
Rare reflection rainbow over Michigan
Between the usual primary and secondary rainbows, you can see a 3rd bow, caused by sunlight reflecting off the water.
Tonight … Arc to Arcturus and spike to Spica
Right now, the planets Venus and Jupiter - and the Big Dipper - can help you learn the sky mnemonic follow the arc to Arcturus and drive a spike to Spica.

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Rare reflection rainbow over Michigan
There are primary and secondary rainbows in the sky here (the 2 outside bows; note their colors are reversed). The 3rd bow (the inner one) is called a reflection rainbow. Read about it here. Beverly Ulfig caught this rare rainbow with an iPhone 6.
Tonight … Arcturus and Spica
Identify the star Spica between the brilliant planets Venus and Jupiter. Arcturus is also nearby. Then use your identification to confirm the handy skywatching phrase follow the arc to Arcturus and drive a spike to Spica. After that, for years to come - long after Venus and Jupiter are gone - you can always find these stars.
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