Friday, August 3, 2018

Aug 3 - Top Stories This Week


EarthSky News is taking a beach weekend! We’ll be back on Monday. See you then!

August guide to the bright planets

Which planets to look for in your sky this month.

Every point is a galaxy

Wrap your head around this: Every single point of light in this image is a distant galaxy.

20 years of tracking Near-Earth Objects

Asteroid on a collision course with Earth? These astronomers will likely see it first. 

An easier way to search for life on Europa

Jupiter's moon Europa is a promising place to search for evidence of alien life.

Where to look for life on Titan

Lakes and seas on Saturn's moon Titan might not be the best place to look for life on that world.

12 shark facts that might surprise you

#5 If you flip a shark over, it goes into a trance.

Dust in space: 10 cool things to know

In space, dust comes from comets and exploding stars. It can form planetary rings, drive global weather patterns and form the seeds of new planets. 

Tonight … Find the Teapot, and the galaxy's center

The center of our Milky Way galaxy is located in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius with its famous Teapot asterism. This is a good time of year to look for it.

New products available at the EarthSky Store!

Tonight … Find the Teapot, and the galaxy's center

The planet Saturn is located just off the spout of the Teapot in 2018.

On August evenings … The Summer Triangle

The Summer Triangle is a fixture of our skies at this time of year. Its 3 stars are Vega, Deneb and Altair. Here’s the Summer Triangle as photographed by Susan Jensen in Odessa, Washington.

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