Sunday, March 18, 2018

March 18 - Moon, Venus, Mercury!

March 18 to 20 … Moon, Mercury, Venus

Sunday evening's moon will be a fragile crescent, very near the sunset. An amazing sight if you can spot it near Venus and Mercury! Then keep watching over the next few evenings. 

Exploring the voids between superclusters 

An analysis of the cosmic microwave background has provided clues about the gas inside vast cosmic voids in space, between giant superclusters of galaxies.
March equinox: All you need to know
This equinox happens on March 20 at 16:15 UTC; translate to your time zone.
Look for the Beehive star cluster
On a dark night, look for it as a smudge of light, with 3 times the moon’s diameter. It’s really a wondrous cluster of stars.

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March 18 to 20 … Moon, Mercury, Venus
The young moon will be tough to spot from Asia or the Southern Hemisphere on Sunday evening, but Europe, Africa and North America have an excellent shot at it. By Monday evening, we'll all see the young moon.
Rose-colored Jupiter
This Juno spacecraft image, taken February 7, captures a close-up view of a storm with bright cloud tops in planet Jupiter's northern hemisphere.
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