| |  View larger at EarthSky Community Photos. | Comet Iwamoto was heading for the Sickle of Leo – a backwards question mark pattern – when caught by Dr. Ski in the Philippines last night. At closest approach, the comet will be in front of Leo, visible late night to dawn now. | | |
Just for fun: Tour alien worlds | | Some fun multimedia from NASA, including (free) Exoplanet Travel Bureau posters, cool 360-degree visualizations, and a journey into the life and death of planetary system, here. | | |
Today in science: Spacecraft destroys a sundog | | When a NASA spacecraft lifted off from Cape Canaveral on February 11, 2010, it destroyed a sundog in Earth's atmosphere - bringing to light a new form of ice halo - and teaching those who love the sky something new. Click in for the video. Here's NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory (bright streak in lower right) lifting off from Cape Canaveral on February 11, 2010. Something cool is about to happen! Watch. | | |