Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 20 - All Things Equal?

March equinox: All you need to know
Happy equinox! The March 20, 2018, equinox is an event that happens on our sky’s dome and a seasonal marker in Earth’s orbit around the sun.

Does the equinox sun really rise due east and set due west?

Yes. It really does. Explanation, charts, diagrams.

Are day and night equal at the equinox?

Equinox means equal night. Yet Earth's air and our sun conspire to give us more daylight at an equinox.

1st interstellar asteroid likely from double star

New research suggests ‘Oumuamua, as it's called, likely came from a system where 2 stars orbit each other.

Tonight ... Moon, Mercury, Venus 

Do yourself a favor on this equinox 2018. Go outside shortly after sunset and look west for the moon and planets! Chart here and photos here.

See it! Young moon, Venus, Mercury

This is a beautiful gallery. Thank you for all your photos. We wish we could post them all!

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Tonight … Moon, Mercury, Venus

Go outside shortly after sunset and look west for the moon and planets! Photos here.

See it! Moon, Venus, Mercury after sunset

David Pace in Long Island, New York created this composite after seeing the moon, Venus and Mercury on Sunday. He wrote: "I was with my 11-year-old boy, freezing, but warmed by each other’s company and the beautiful sky ... I was going for light trails so had to leave the shutter open for an extended period. I tried 30 seconds, then 25 and down to 15. I had blurring of the moon and planets, due to the Earth's moment. So I had to take two shots, then laid one over the other to complete the photo."
Photos here.
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