Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 8 - Plan to See Meteors


EarthSky's 2018 meteor shower guide

Bad news. In 2018, moonlight will obscure the Delta Aquariid's nominal peak in late July. Good news! The Delta Aquariids will still be flying at the moon-free Perseid meteor shower peak in early August. Don't miss out! Make your plans now.

When's the next total solar eclipse for North America?

On August 21, 2017, millions across North America witnessed an awe-inspiring total solar eclipse. When will we see the next one?

Heads up on July 2019 total solar eclipse​​

A 5-minute video from the European Southern Observatory on the 2019 eclipse in South America and the South Pacific. Eclipse map, and more.

Next 2 mornings … Moon, Pleiades, Aldebaran

A beautiful view of the waning crescent moon, Pleiades star cluster and bright star Aldebaran in the dark eastern skies before dawn Monday and Tuesday.

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Next 2 mornings … Moon, Pleiades, Aldebaran

The only trick, besides getting up early enough, is having a clear sky.

Coming up … Venus and Regulus conjunction

Conjunction means 2 heavenly bodies appear north and south of one another on the imaginary grid of stars surrounding Earth. That'll happen on Monday, but Venus and Regulus are near each other tonight, and will be for several days.

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