Sunday, February 4, 2018

Feb 4 - Cali Quake Overdue?

Is a major California earthquake overdue?
According to current forecasts, California has a 93% chance of an earthquake with magnitude 7 or greater occurring by 2045.
Fast-moving asteroid to buzz us today
Asteroid 2002 AJ129 is relatively massive and moves fast. This post tells you how to watch online.
When is the next supermoon?
We've just passed a series of 3 full supermoons. The next supermoons of 2018 will be the new moons of June, July and August.
When is the next Blue Moon?
Blue-colored moons are rare. But folklore has defined 2 other sorts of Blue Moons, which are more commonly seen. The next one will be March 31, 2018.
Zodiacal light glowing pyramid after dark
From the Northern Hemisphere, after full darkness falls, look for a hazy pyramid of light extending up from the sunset point. Southern Hemisphere? Look east before dawn.

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Where's the moon? Waning gibbous
You'll find the moon rising late at night now, and, if you look closely, you might catch it in a blue daytime sky, in the west after sunrise. Jenney Disimon caught this moon on February 2 from Sabah, North Borneo.
Fast-moving asteroid to buzz us today
This image comes from 3 90-second exposures, unfiltered, taken at Tenagra Observatory in Arizona on February 3. A robotic mount tracked the fast (50″/minute) apparent motion of the asteroid, so stars are apparently trailing. The asteroid is the sharp dot in the center, marked with two red lines. Image via Virtual Telescope Project.
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