Thursday, July 25, 2019

July 25 - Find Taurus the Bull

The green line on this chart is the ecliptic, or sun's path across our sky. Taurus the Bull is now ascending before sunup, as seen from around the globe. Read more.
Hello everyone! EarthSky will be taking a short summer break this weekend (Friday-Monday). See you again on Tuesday!

Next few mornings … Moon and Taurus
In the next few mornings - before sunup - see the waning crescent moon travel in front of Taurus the Bull. Let the moon introduce to the constellation's 2 outstanding features, the Hyades and the Pleiades clusters. Read more
Why do birds sing?
Birds spend a lot of time and energy singing, but they don't do it the same way in every season of the year. And some can't sing at all. What's the purpose of birdsong?
What is a fogbow?
Fogbows are rainbows' cousins - made by much the same process - but with the small water droplets inside a fog instead of larger raindrops. Read more and see photos.
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Find M4 near the Scorpion's Heart
If you've never found a deep-sky object on your own before, M4 - a globular star cluster, one of the nearest to our solar system - is a grand place to start. It's near the bright red star Antares in the easy-to-spot constellation Scorpius the Scorpion. To spot it, you'll need a dark sky. Read more.
Harbor lightning
Fotograf Göran Strand captured this image on July 19 in Tällberg, Sweden He said: “I got lucky to catch a really beautiful lightning over a small harbor and the entire lightning was visible in the frame.” Thanks, Göran! 
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