Friday, January 18, 2019

Jan 18 - Moon Eclipse: All You Need to Know


View larger. | At greatest eclipse, the totally eclipsed moon will be straight overhead (at zenith) over western Cuba, where it's just after midnight local time on January 21 (05:12 UTC on January 21). Those to the west (left) of this spot (most of North America, Hawaii) will see the moon at greatest eclipse on the evening of January 20. Those to the east (right) of this spot (Europe and Africa) will see the moon at its greatest eclipse in their western sky on the morning of January 21. Click here for times in North America. Click here for online viewing. Or try here, here or here.

Coming up ... Total lunar eclipse of January 20-21

It's the last total eclipse of the moon until May of 2021! More details here.

How to watch a total eclipse of the moon

Planning to watch outside? Here are some tips.

Why isn't there an eclipse at every full moon?

In 2019, there are 13 new moons and 12 full moons, but only 5 eclipses - 3 solar and 2 lunar. Read more.

Why does the moon look red during a total lunar eclipse?

If Earth didn't have an atmosphere, the moon would be dark - perhaps even invisible - when entirely eclipsed within Earth's shadow. Read more.

Photo via Fred Espenak.

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Identify the stars in the Winter Circle

The Winter Circle stars don’t form a perfect circle … is anything ever perfect? Try starting at Capella and moving clockwise to AldebaranRigelSiriusProcyonPollux, and Castor.

Venus-Jupiter conjunction coming up January 22

Start watching now! Look east before sunup for the 2 brightest "stars." They are really planets. Venus is the brighter one, and Jupiter is the fainter one. Read more.

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