Thursday, June 15, 2017

EarthSky News - June 15 - Earth Between Sun and Saturn

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Earth between sun and Saturn today
This world is now opposite the sun in Earth's sky. How to see Saturn and enjoy it at its best!
10 space objects to see in daytime
A rundown of the top 10 space objects you can see - under the right conditions - during the day.
Climate change shrinking Colorado River
Ongoing drought - and increasing temperatures - have reduced water flow in the Colorado River, with more dramatic reductions expected. This ongoing, unprecedented event threatens water supplies in cities in the U.S. West and some of the most productive agricultural lands anywhere in the world.
The Guardians of the Pole
Kochab and Pherkad - 2 stars in the Little Dipper - are called Guardians of the Pole. How to find them and more.

EarthSky Lunar Calendars are on sale 50% OFF

A unique and beautiful poster-sized calendar. Keep up with all phases of the moon every night of the year. Only about 100 left in stock, get them while you can!

Earth between sun and Saturn today
Earth and Saturn are more or less on a line in space today. Image via NASA and not to scale.
Saturn’s 2-toned moon
Saturn's moon Iapetus is a world of contrast, with light and dark regions fitting together like cosmic puzzle pieces. Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.
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