| |  View larger. | Here's what a landslide on a comet looks like. Notice its brightness, due to fresh ice exposed by the landslide. Image of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko via ESA's Rosetta spacecraft. Read more. | | |
Welcome to the Meghalayan age | | Scientists have assigned a new name to the era we're living in. They're calling it the Meghalayan - because key data for the timing of the new age were derived from a stalagmite growing in a cave in the Indian state of Meghalaya. Read more. | | |
Best pics of the comet as it swept safely past | | Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner came closer to Earth this week than it had in 72 years. Favorite photos here, from the EarthSky community. Plus info on comet Wirtanen, which might become visible to the eye alone, later this year. Greg Hogan in Kathleen, Georgia, wrote on Monday: "I was able to grab a shot of Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner (top left) early this morning, alongside Messier 37 (star cluster, bottom right). The comet looked like a little fuzzy spot through the 'scope." Thanks, Greg! | | |