Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Oct 24 - Hunter's Moon Tonight

Good morning!

Tonight … Full Hunter's Moon
For this hemisphere, this full moon counts as the 2nd full moon of autumn. For the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the 2nd full moon of spring. Read more.
This planetary nebula has 2 ultra-close stars at its heart 
A planetary nebula isn't related to planets. It's an old star, sloughing off its outer layers. Now astronomers have spied 2 stars at the heart of a planetary nebula, so close they're almost touching, orbiting each other in only 3 hours. Read more.

Hubble Telescope image of the planetary nebula M3-1. Its central star is 2 stars orbiting a common center of gravity. Image via David Jones/Daniel López (IAC)/RAS.
EVE and Wall-E have Mars in their sights
The MarCOs - 2 briefcase-sized CubeSats accompanying NASA’s InSight spacecraft - are chasing Mars as it orbits the sun. Along the way, they've captured the 1st-ever CubeSat image of Mars! See the image.
US tornado frequency shifting eastward
Although Tornado Alley is still tops, vulnerable regions east of the Great Plains are catching up, according to a new study. Read more.

EarthSky Lunar Calendars Are Back!

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Meteors over Montana
The Orionid meteor shower peaked last weekend, and many of the meteors were drowned in bright moonlight. But John Ashley managed to catch a few dozen in the narrow window between moonset and dawn Sunday morning.
Full moon is tonight
Ever wonder why a full moon looks full? Photo by John Entwistle Photography of last year’s Hunter’s Moon behind the Twin Lights Lighthouse in New Jersey. Read more.
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