Thursday, April 4, 2019

Apr 4 - Frog Killer

Fungal disease killing frogs, toads, salamanders
The disease eats away at the skin of amphibians. It's completely wiped out 90 species and caused dramatic population declines in over 500 more. Read more. Watch a video.
Cor Caroli, named for the heart of a king
Cor Caroli is a binary star and the brightest star in the northern constellation Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs. Its name means Heart of Charles. Read more.
EarthSky's 2019 meteor shower guide
There's always a lull in major meteor showers between the Quadrantids in early January and April's Lyrid shower. Learn about the prospects for the Lyrids this month, and start planning your meteor-watching for the coming months! Read more.
Thanks, everybody, for a great 2019 crowd-funder.
Leo loses his tail. We gain a constellation
The constellation Leo once had a tail, a clump of faint stars. Now these same stars are known as Coma Berenices, the hair of a queen. Read more.
Farewell old moon, hello Mercury
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Jenney Disimon caught the brightest morning planet, Venus, above the moon and Mercury on April 2. Thanks, Jenney! Venus has been up before the sun for some months. Mercury is now returning to the east before sunup - easier to see from Earth's Southern Hemisphere - but due to rise higher and become visible from across Earth later this month. Click in for more spectacular photos of this week's moon and planets.
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