Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sept 16 - Why is Sunspot Solar Observatory Closed?

Stop sign and yellow crime scene tape at the entrance to the Sunspot Solar Observatory in New Mexico. Image via Dylan Taylor-Lehman/Daily News.
Good morning!

Why is Sunspot Solar Observatory closed?
In a strange turn of events, AURA has suddenly shut down its Sunspot Solar Observatory in New Mexico. The FBI is involved, and speculation is running wild. Mercury leak? Terrorism? Espionage? Aliens? Read more.
10 years of Large Hadron Collider discoveries
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has generated mind-blowing science in the last decade - including the Higgs boson particle. How the LHC, one of the most complex machines ever created, is helping physicists decode the universe. Read more.
First quarter moon is today
The 1st quarter moon comes on September 16 at 23:15 UTC; translate UTC to your time. As viewed from the whole Earth, it's high up at sunset, looking like half a pie. Read more
Mars is closest to the sun today
Mars reaches perihelion, its closest point to the sun in its 2-year orbit, today. Its brightness in our sky in July and August - and the recent global dust storm on the planet - are both linked to this event. Read more.

True color image of Mars taken by the OSIRIS instrument on the ESA Rosetta spacecraft during its February 2007 flyby of the planet.


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Orion's Belt points to dazzling Sirius
You'll find Orion and the bright star Sirius up before dawn now. They'll be shifting into the evening sky as the months pass.
You can still see 4 evening planets
Martin Marthadinata in Malang, East Java, Indonesia, wrote: "Hi, EarthSky ... I captured the 4 planets ... it was a great moment and clear night sky." Visit EarthSky's planet guide.
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