Sunday, November 11, 2018

Nov 11 - Moon and Saturn Closest

Tonight … Moon and Saturn closest
The moon is moving past the planet Saturn this weekend. Watch for them in your evening sky. Then, around midnight, keep watching for Taurid meteors. Read more.
Synchronized telescopes put limits on mystery bursts
A technological tango between 2 telescopes in the Australian outback has added an important piece to the puzzle of fast radio bursts. Read more.

Tile 107 – nicknamed the Outlier – is part of the Murchison Widefield Array, a radiotelescope located in an extremely sparsely populated, flat, semi-arid terrain in Western Australia. Image via Pete Wheeler/ICRAR.
Did natural batteries create Mars' organic carbon?
Earlier in 2018, the Curiosity rover found evidence for abundant organic compounds - those containing carbon - on Mars. Does this mean Mars once had life? Or can some other process can explain it? Here's one idea.
What's the youngest moon you can see?
It's rare to see a moon within 24 hours of new moon. This week, we received a couple of images of even-younger moons. What's the youngest moon you can see? Info and pics here.

View larger. | Extremely young moon - just over 15 hours, caught in daylight - caught on November 8 by Sarah Nordin at Telok Kemang Observatory in Port Dickson, Malaysia.

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Tonight … Moon, Saturn, Taurid meteors
Did you see the moon Saturday evening? If so, you'll find it has moved by Sunday evening with respect to Saturn. Around midnight, keep watching for North Taurid meteors
Tips for watching Taurid meteors
The radiant point of November’s North Taurid meteor shower is in the constellation Taurus the Bull, near the Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters.
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