Friday, July 5, 2019

July 5 - More Amazing Eclipse Images


This composite image captures the drama of totality during the July 2 total solar eclipse, when - as seen from Earth - the moon passed directly in front of the sun. The processing of this image shows the intricate detail of the sun's corona, its outer atmosphere. You can also glimpse some details of the lunar surface. The image - via European Space Agency - was created by the ESA-CESAR team observing the eclipse from ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile, South America. See more photos.

More amazing images of the July 2 eclipse

Some called it the astronomer's eclipse because it passed near major observatories in Chile. Check out these beautiful images.

Do organic crystals create 'bathtub rings' around Titan's lakes and seas?

Scientists have been trying to figure what creates the so-called "bathtub rings" around lakes and seas on Saturn's large moon Titan. Now they may have an answer: unusual organic crystals not found on Earth. Read more.

We love sunflowers!  Your best photos

You can’t look at a sunflower and feel sad. Don't miss this amazing photo gallery

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Tonight … Watch for a young moon after sunset

By Friday evening, the moon will be easy to see after sunset, and it'll be pairing up with the bright star Regulus, considered the Heart of the Lion in the constellation Leo. Read more.

Following the eclipse, the young moon returns

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Did you happen to see the young moon last night, a slim crescent in the west after sunset? Alexander Krivenyshev of the website - who was in Chile for the July 2 total solar eclipse - caught last night's young moon setting over Valparaiso. See Alexander's eclipse photo here.

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