Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Oct 3 - Breakthrough Listen Adds Africa

Artist’s concept of an extraterrestrial, via Shutterstock.
Good morning!

Breakthrough Listen brings ET search to Africa
Yuri Milner's Breakthrough Listen program has added the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa to its global effort to listen for signals from intelligent aliens. Read more.
Gaia reveals stars flying between galaxies
Only a small number of hypervelocity stars have ever been discovered. Now ESA's Gaia mission has revealed 20 more. Read more.
Tonight … Can you find the Big Dipper?
Sure, it's easy to recognize, but sometimes the Big Dipper is low in the northern sky, or not visible at all. That's the case now, in the evening. How to spot it.
Microbes catch a ride on fog
When fog rolls in, it can bring along communities of airborne microorganisms, says a new study. Moisture in fog allows microbes to last longer than they would in dry air. Read more.

A team of scientists have provided the first view of fog as a carrier for microbes. Here, a researcher holds a plate of fungi cultured directly from Namib Desert fog. Image via Juliane Zeidler/Oliver Halsey.


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Moon lights up Gemini in early October

On Thursday morning,the moon will have moved to the east of Gemini. It'll be in front of the constellation Cancer the Crab. Cancer is faint, but contains an easy-to-spot deep sky object, the Beehive star cluster. Wait until the moon moves away! Read more.
Moon and fogbow
Fogbows are rainbow’s cousins, made by much the same process. Eileen Claffey captured a fogbow and the moon Sunday morning near Lake Wickaboag in central Massachusetts. Thanks, Eileen!
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