Thursday, May 16, 2019

May 16 - Shrinking Moon


Shrinking moon might be generating moonquakes

The moon is shrinking as its interior cools. Its crust wrinkles and cracks, causing moonquakes. Read more and watch a video.

Full moon falls on May 18

As the 3rd of 4 full moons in a season, it'll be called a Blue Moon. The full moon instant - when the moon is most opposite the sun for this month - falls at 21:11 UTC on May 18. Read more.

New insights about distant Haumea's enigmatic ring

Haumea orbits in Pluto's realm of the solar system. It's the most distant little world known to have a ring. Read more for new insights on how Haumea's ring maintains its nearly perfect circular shape.

What we're reading


MRO completes 60,000 trips around Mars

A dizzying milestone …On Wednesday, NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter completed its 60,000th loop around the Red Planet. The craft has been orbiting Mars since 2006. It still sends back its own data and images and serves in a network of relays that beam data back to Earth from other Mars rovers and landers. Read more.
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Tonight and tomorrow … Moon and Spica

Meet Spica in the constellation Virgo, one of our sky's most fascinating stars. On Wednesday and Thursday, the moon is near Spica, which the only bright star in the large, rambling constellation Virgo the Maiden. Read more and find more charts.
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