Monday, January 29, 2018

Jan 29 - Black Holes Push

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Black holes push away their dinners

“Winds must blow away a large fraction of the matter a black hole could eat," researchers said.

Oldest modern human fossil outside Africa

This new fossil find suggests Homo sapiens left Africa 50,000 years earlier than previously thought.
2018's 2nd spacewalk on Monday
It begins at about 12:10 UTC (7:10 a.m. EST). Translate to your timezone.

These clouds are called ship tracks

Ship tracks typically form among low-lying stratus and cumulus clouds. They form around exhaust particles released by ships.

Tonight … Moon near Castor and Pollux

Castor and Pollux - brightest stars in the constellation Gemini the Twins - are noticeable for being bright and close together.

Super Blue Moon eclipse on January 31

It's before sunrise for North America and Hawaii - after sunset for the Middle East, Asia, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand. Is it really the first Blue Moon eclipse in 150 years? Well …
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Tonight … Moon near Castor and Pollux

Tonight's moon might look full to you, but it isn't yet. For us in North America, full moon comes during the morning hours on January 31. It'll be a Blue Moon, and supermoon and will undergo a total eclipse.

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These clouds are called ship tracks

NASA's Aqua satellite captured this natural-color image on January 16. Some of these criss-crossing ship tracks stretch hundreds of miles.
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