Wednesday, July 19, 2017

EarthSky News - July 19 - Moon and Venus

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Before dawn Thursday … Moon and Venus closest
Around the world before sunrise Thursday, the moon and Venus will be close in the east before dawn. The bright star nearby is Aldebaran in Taurus the Bull.

EarthSky's meteor shower guide for 2017

This year's Perseid shower is drowned in moonlight. Next best opportunity for meteor-watching is now to early August. Watch between midnight and dawn, when the moon is down.
Fire ants build with no master plan
Researchers identified simple behavioral rules that allow these tiny creatures to collaboratively build elaborate structures - rafts and towers - with no one in charge.
Global methane hitting new highs
Here's why, after a 2000-era plateau, global levels of this greenhouse gas are now reaching new highs.
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Before dawn Thursday … Moon and Venus
Did you see 'em Wednesday morning? Before the sun rises Thursday, the moon and Venus will be close and the 2 brightest objects in the sky.
The day Earth smiled
A mosaic of people on Earth waving at Saturn on July 19, 2013, the day Earth smiled. NASA called it "a global moment of cosmic self-awareness."
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