Examples of numbers in scientific notation with 3 significant figures for input to computers:
12345 = 1.23E4
12356 = 1.24E4
0.012345 = 1.23E-2
0.012356 = 1.24E-2
1,000,000 = 1.00E6
0.0001 = 1.00E-4
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
∰ General Astronomy 🔭 Sun
Despite its size and strength, the sun will not last forever.
In about 6.5 billion years, it will run out of its hydrogen fuel, expand to envelop mercury, venus, and even earth, and then collapse into a small star known as a white dwarf.
In the meantime, the sun will continue to play a critical role in the system that bears its name.
The sun's protective magnetic field, tremendous gravitational pull and ability to create vast amounts of energy will protect, contain, and give life to our solar system.
In about 6.5 billion years, it will run out of its hydrogen fuel, expand to envelop mercury, venus, and even earth, and then collapse into a small star known as a white dwarf.
In the meantime, the sun will continue to play a critical role in the system that bears its name.
The sun's protective magnetic field, tremendous gravitational pull and ability to create vast amounts of energy will protect, contain, and give life to our solar system.
Monday, July 18, 2022
Prints Clothing
11,414 Results

Voynich Manuscript. Illustrated codex hand-written in an unknown writing system Classic T-Shirt

Table of Laplace Transform #Table #Laplace #Transform #LaplaceTransform Classic T-Shirt

Einstein field equations EFE: General Theory of Relativity - Fundamental Interaction of Gravitation A-Line Dress

Standard Model Of Elementary Particles #Quarks #Leptons #GaugeBosons #ScalarBosons Bosons Classic T-Shirt

Most Famous Paintings #Most #Famous #Paintings #FamousPaintings VanGogh StarryNight VincentVanGogh Classic T-Shirt

#Ukraine #Pattern - Ukrainian Embroidery: вишивка, vyshyvka #UkrainianPattern #UkrainianEmbroidery Classic T-Shirt

Ukrainian Embroidery Ornament Pullover Hoodie

Luis Ricardo Falero - Witches going to their Sabbath (1878) Classic T-Shirt

#Mendeleev's #Periodic #Table of the #Elements Classic T-Shirt

#Wicker, #roughlinen, #burlap, #sackcloth, sacking, bagging, холст, scrim, cloth, crash, власяница, hairshirt, haircloth, мешковина Pullover Hoodie

Functional groups in organic chemistry are structural features distinguish one organic molecule from another Classic T-Shirt

FANCY BEARS' Hack Team #FANCY #BEARS #Hack #Team #FANCYBEARS #HackTeam #FANCYBEARSHackTeam Classic T-Shirt

Супрематизм: Kazimir Malevich Suprematism Work Classic T-Shirt

Op Art. Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement Classic T-Shirt

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! Слава Україні! Героям слава! #Слава #Україні! #Героям #слава! #СлаваУкраїні! #Героямслава! #СлаваУкраїніГероямслава! #Ukraine #Pattern #Ukrainian #embroidery Essential T-Shirt

Physics, Laptop Skin, #Physics, #Laptop, #Skin, #LaptopSkin, #Skins, #LaptopSkins Classic T-Shirt

#Ukraine #Pattern - Ukrainian Embroidery: вишивка, vyshyvka #UkrainianPattern #UkrainianEmbroidery Classic T-Shirt

Sami shaman’s drum showing the three worlds, Sámi Shamanism Classic T-Shirt

SI - International System of Units, System of measurement Classic T-Shirt

#Kundalini #Pentagrams, #KundaliniPentagrams, #Sign, Symbol, Shape, Design, Illustration, Abstract Classic T-Shirt

#Venus of #Willendorf #artifact sculpture art figurine statue humanbody #VenusofWillendorf Classic T-Shirt

Fashionable leather jacket of hippies or punk Classic T-Shirt

Color. Colored, multi-colored stripes. Colors. #Color #Colored #multicolored #stripes #Colors Classic T-Shirt

Virtual Meeting of David and Aphrodite #Virtual #Meeting #David #Aphrodite Classic T-Shirt

#Venus of #Willendorf #artifact sculpture art figurine statue humanbody #VenusofWillendorf Classic T-Shirt

#Victory #Day (9 May) #День #Победы Classic T-Shirt

Standard Model Of Elementary Particles #Quarks #Leptons #GaugeBosons #ScalarBosons Bosons Classic T-Shirt

CyberPunk, Steampunk, Technopunk #CyberPunk #Steampunk #Technopunk Leggings

#Optical #illusions, #Visual illusion, Optical #Art Classic T-Shirt

Don't trust, don't be afraid, don't ask! Не верь, не бойся, не проси! #Неверь, #небойся, #непроси, #Неверьнебойсянепроси, #верь, #бойся, #проси Classic T-Shirt

Voynich Manuscript. Illustrated codex hand-written in an unknown writing system Classic T-Shirt

David by Michelangelo #David #Michelangelo #DavidbyMichelangelo #masterpiece Renaissance sculpture Classic T-Shirt

#Discrete #Fourier #Transform. #Diagram, graph, formula, chalk out, illustration, physics, graph plot, symbol, guidance, draft, sketch, science, research, scientific experiment Classic T-Shirt

Hydrogen Wave Function Classic T-Shirt

#УравненияЭйнштейна #Эйнштейн #Гильберт #уравнения #ГравитационноеПоле #ОбщаяТеорияОтносительности #метрика #искривлённое #пространствовремя #свойства #заполняющая #материя #УравнениеЭйнштейна #Теория Classic T-Shirt

Philosophers Classic T-Shirt

#wood, #hardwood, #dark, #log, carpentry, rough, pine, old, desk, horizontal, plank, flooring, wood paneling, backgrounds Classic T-Shirt

The Birth of Venus (Bouguereau) Mini Skirt

#Quetzalcoatl #featheredserpent #worship #Feathered Serpent Teotihuacan century Mesoamerican chronology veneration figure Mesoamerica Mexican religious center Cholula Maya area Kukulkan Classic T-Shirt

#metal #pattern #texture #abstract #steel #metallic #black #grid #hole #mesh #iron #design #textured #wallpaper #surface #gray #technology #material #backgrounds #round #seamless #circle #backdrop Graphic T-Shirt Dress

#Pentagram of #Eliphas #Levi #EliphasLeviPentagram Sleeveless Top

Российский флаг, Флаг российской федерации, Russian flag, Flag of the Russian Federation, Russia, Russian, flag, Russian Federation Classic T-Shirt

#Optical #Illusion Pattern Abstract Decoration Art Illustration Design Flower Classic T-Shirt

Kazimir Malevich, Suprematist Painting (Eight Red Rectangles), (1915). Oil on canvas, 57 x 48 cm., Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam Classic T-Shirt

Черкеска - Circassian coat Graphic T-Shirt

#target #aim #accurate #dart #accuracy #hittarget #dartboard #archery #bullseye #spiral #goal #circular #license #arrow #patent #design #vortex #blackandwhite #monochrome #copyspace #circle Classic T-Shirt

Hieronymus #Bosch #HieronymusBosch #Painting Art Famous Painter Classic T-Shirt

Physics Standard Model Theory Classic T-Shirt

The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB, CMBR) #Cosmic #Microwave #Background #CMB CMBR Classic T-Shirt

Et tu, Brute? Even you, Brutus? Death of Caesar by Vincenzo Camuccini #DeathofCaesar #Death #Caesar #VincenzoCamuccini #EtTuBrute #EvenYouBrutus Classic T-Shirt

Ancient Venus, #Ancient, #Venus, #AncientVenus, #древний, #pristine, #antique, #early, #venerable, #crusted, #старинный, #old, #oldest, #older, #elder Classic T-Shirt

Simurgh is the royal emblem of the Sassanian Empire Classic T-Shirt

Peter Paul #Rubens, #Christ in the House of #Simon the #Pharisee, 1618-1620 Classic T-Shirt

#BernoulliEquation #Physics #Hydrodynamics #statement conservation energy principle flowing qualitative Classic T-Shirt

Soviet Red Army Hammer and Sickle Classic T-Shirt

Psychedelic Hypnotic Visual Illusion Classic T-Shirt

Blue optical illusions colour Classic T-Shirt

artist, painter, craftsman, Gino Severini, futurism, futurist, art Classic T-Shirt

Burlap Natural Chindi/Rag Rug 20x30 Beth's Country Primitive Home Decor Classic T-Shirt

Big Brother Is Watching You Classic T-Shirt

Artist’s Impression of a Black Hole Classic T-Shirt

Капризное счастье, улыбнись ещё раз. Capricious happiness, smile again once. Classic T-Shirt

Evening Mood painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau Classic T-Shirt

Avant le Bain (Before the Bath) Classic T-Shirt

#painting #illustration #vector #design #art #abstract #decoration #flower #element #pattern #nature #horizontal #retrostyle #SalvadorDali Classic T-Shirt

Tree of Life (Kabbalah) Classic T-Shirt

Kalashnikov assault rifle - Автомат Калашникова Classic T-Shirt

#Feynman #Diagram #FeynmanDiagram #Physics Classic T-Shirt

History of the Soviet Union (1927–1953) State Emblem of the Soviet Union Classic T-Shirt

Ivan tsarevich riding the grey wolf Classic T-Shirt

Evening Mood painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau Classic T-Shirt

A #red #hammer and #sickle, in the shape it appeared (in gold) on the #Soviet Unions flag from 1955 to 1991 Classic T-Shirt

#Integrals #Math #Calculus #Mathematics Integral Function Equation Formula Classic T-Shirt

#Solve #Physics #Problem Defined by #Visual Scheme Essential T-Shirt

Bare feet, barefoot Classic T-Shirt

#Standard #Model of #Particle #Physics. Interactions: electromagnetic, weak, strong. Elementary: electron, top quark, tau neutrino, Higgs boson, ... Classic T-Shirt

The Core Theory: Quantum Mechanics, Spacetime, Gravity, Other Forces, Matter, Higgs Zipped Hoodie

Газета "Правда" The Newspaper "Pravda" #text #paper #newspaper #document #page #print #article #yellow #information #medium #data #themedia #media #Газета #Правда #Pravda #old #historical #important Classic T-Shirt

Holy Trinity, Hospitality of Abraham; by Andrei Rublev; tempera on panel; Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow) Classic T-Shirt

Espiral Hipnótica, Optical Illusion Beige Swirl Classic T-Shirt

#Sine, #Cosine, #Triangle, #Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Formulas, Angles, Sides Classic T-Shirt

#Optical #Illusion #OpticalIllusion #VisualArt Black and White znamenski.redbubble.com Classic T-Shirt

#Newton #Laws of #Motion #NewtonLaws Physics Classic T-Shirt

A two-dimensional representation of the Klein bottle immersed in three-dimensional space, #TwoDimensional, #representation, #KleinBottle, #immersed, #ThreeDimensional, #space Classic T-Shirt

#Lascaux #Cave #Paintings #Bull LascauxCave PaintingsBull LascauxCavePaintingsBull CavePaintings CaveDrawings drawings Classic T-Shirt

Egyptian Art: Weighing of the Heart in the Duat using the feather of Maat as the measure in balance Classic T-Shirt

Poisson distribution #Poisson #distribution #PoissonDistribution Classic T-Shirt

Some #Indefinite #Integrals #Math Mathematics #Calculus Integral sin cos tan Pullover Hoodie

3.14, pi Classic T-Shirt

Voynich Manuscript. Illustrated codex hand-written in an unknown writing system Classic T-Shirt

Voynich Manuscript. Illustrated codex hand-written in an unknown writing system Classic T-Shirt

#Human #Ancient #Symbol, #Lineart, illustration, painting, monochrome, astrology, snake, retro style Classic T-Shirt

JIRAM imagery of Jupiter's north pole and its hypnotic, seemingly stable arrangement of eight cyclones around a central, large vortex Classic T-Shirt

#Purim #Jewish #holiday #commemorates #saving #people Classic T-Shirt

Siberia Ancient Petroglyph, Siberia Khakassia Petroglyph Classic T-Shirt

Verrazano Narrows Bridge, #Verrazano, #Narrows, #Bridge, #VerrazanoNarrowsBridge, #VerrazanoBridge, #NewYorkCity, #NewYork, #Brooklyn, #StatenIsland Classic T-Shirt

Shanah tovah Classic T-Shirt

Lines of the electric field of two unlike charges Classic T-Shirt

#Enzyme #Informatics, #EnzymeInformatics, #particle #chemistry #medicine #biology #science #biochemistry #shape #chemical #illustration #acid #connection #design #symbol #molecular #insect #horizontal Classic T-Shirt

Empty Set - Unicode Character “∅” (U+2205) Classic T-Shirt
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